Animated illustrations created for a pop-up exhibition curated by Union Hall in Denver, Colorado.
"This series of illustrations is a reflection on the artist’s recent separation from her long-term partner. Over the last few months, Gabriella has made the drive between Costilla (where she lived with her partner) and Pueblo (her hometown, where her family still lives) over ten times. In the landscape south of Pueblo, in and around La Veta Pass, the seasonal changes have been extra apparent this year due the abnormally high amount of rainfall. Sights such as roadside memorials have become familiar friends, the leaves and grass have become greener and more lush with each drive, and the roadkill carcasses have begun to degrade and return to the earth. Through these meditative illustrations, we see Gabriella reflecting on her relationship and working through her grief, as well as her deep connection with the land in this region. The cyclical nature of the seasons depicted in her illustrations can remind us of other natural cycles in our lives; beginnings, endings, and beginning again.”